For documentation on the entire color palette, visit Colors.
Some colors vary between light and dark modes. Use the color mode switcher in the site header to see the colors in the different modes. Using design tokens rather than raw hex codes will ensure you're automatically using the right color for the chosen mode.
Text colors
Name | Value |
color-base | #202122
color-base-fixed | #202122
color-base--hover | #404244
color-emphasized | #101418
color-subtle | #54595d
color-placeholder | #72777d
color-disabled | #72777d
color-inverted | #fff
color-inverted-fixed | #fff
color-progressive | #36c
color-progressive--hover | #4b77d6
color-progressive--active | #233566
color-progressive--focus | #36c
color-destructive | #bf3c2c
color-destructive--hover | #f54739
color-destructive--active | #9f3526
color-destructive--focus | #36c
color-visited | #6a60b0
color-destructive--visited | #9f5555
color-error | #bf3c2c
color-warning | #886425
color-success | #177860
color-notice | #404244
color-icon-error | #f54739
color-icon-warning | #ab7f2a
color-icon-success | #099979
color-icon-notice | #72777d
color-content-added | #006400
color-content-removed | #8b0000
color-base--subtle | #54595d
color-link-red | #bf3c2c
color-link-red--hover | #f54739
color-link-red--active | #9f3526
color-link-red--focus | #36c
color-link-red--visited | #9f5555
Background colors
Name | Value |
background-color-base | #fff
background-color-base-fixed | #fff
background-color-neutral | #eaecf0
background-color-neutral-subtle | #f8f9fa
background-color-interactive | #eaecf0
background-color-interactive-subtle | #f8f9fa
background-color-disabled | #c8ccd1
background-color-disabled-subtle | #eaecf0
background-color-inverted | #101418
background-color-progressive | #36c
background-color-progressive--hover | #4b77d6
background-color-progressive--active | #233566
background-color-progressive--focus | #36c
background-color-progressive-subtle | #f1f4fd
background-color-destructive | #bf3c2c
background-color-destructive--hover | #f54739
background-color-destructive--active | #9f3526
background-color-destructive--focus | #36c
background-color-destructive-subtle | #ffe9e5
background-color-error | #f54739
background-color-error--hover | #d74032
background-color-error--active | #bf3c2c
background-color-error-subtle | #ffe9e5
background-color-warning-subtle | #fdf2d5
background-color-success-subtle | #dff2eb
background-color-notice-subtle | #eaecf0
background-color-content-added | #a3d3ff
background-color-content-removed | #ffe49c
background-color-transparent | transparent
background-color-backdrop-light | rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.65 )
background-color-backdrop-dark | rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.65 )
background-color-button-quiet--hover | rgba( 0, 24, 73, 0.027 )
background-color-button-quiet--active | rgba( 0, 24, 73, 0.082 )
background-color-input-binary--checked | #36c
background-color-tab-list-item-framed--hover | rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.3 )
background-color-tab-list-item-framed--active | rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.65 )
Accent color
Name | Value |
accent-color-base | #36c
Border and box-shadow colors
For information on border colors visit Border and for box-shadow colors Box-shadow token page.